Modern Beauty Portraiture – Brandee Leafty Photography – Portrait photographer


Beauty is an art

It may be cliché, but it’s true. No woman is perfect. Even the most genetically gifted celebrity supermodels have something they wish they could change or hide about their bodies. The idea behind hiring a professional artist, like Brandee Leafty Photography, to create your beauty images is to mask the characteristics you’d rather not share with the world, while showing off your very best features which, in turn, makes you feel invincible. That is my art, and what I strive for in every single photograph I take. With years of experience in posing, angles, lenses and lighting, I’ve found what works for others – and for you, too.
Beauty is an art.

Copyright Brandee Leafty Photography

My #1 dream or goal in life, besides raising amazing children and striving to be the best wife possible, is to empower and strengthen women by helping them grow in confidence and self love. Through my lens, I am able to speak volumes to women of all shapes and sizes. I am able to show women that they too can look and feel like a model in a fashion magazine, and you don’t have to be a certain dress size to play the part.

You see, it wasn’t long ago that I felt like I was unworthy of being photographed. Like many women, I felt ashamed and embarrassed by my body. After I had my first of five children, I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (or PCOS). This syndrome makes gaining weight very easy, while losing it, twice as hard, due to insulin resistance. I began to hate what was my best friend, the mirror. I was 21 and miserable.

wedding headshot

This is me on my wedding day in 2006 (before having kids)

It had been a couple years when my husband told me that if I were to leave this earth that day, our kids wouldn’t have a single picture of me with them. He was right. And if you’re anything like me then you too would hate it if the husband was right. So, I had to let the change begin.

This is me "existing in photos" in 2012

This is me “existing in photos” in 2012

I had to start showing up in pictures, not for me, but for my kids. It has been 3 years since I decided to start taking selfies and my world has changed forever. Not only have I lost almost 50 lbs but I discovered my mission. Thanks to photography, I can spread the message and help other women to do the same… to exist in pictures, to love who we are in the moment or in the stage of our lives that we are in, and to heal doing it.

I want to help women unlock their own power and feel better about themselves because we all DESERVE to feel absolutely gorgeous! We deserve to be happy and to feel confident in every part of our lives/journey, beginning, middle and end.

No matter what.

This is me now 2015

This is me now 2015

If you are like I was 3 years ago, it is time to make a change. It is a life long journey, it is very hard but totally worth it! Share your stories in the comments! I would love to hear them.

Stay tuned – My next post will be about how to take your best self portrait, or “selfie” . Be looking for it!

Thanks for reading!

Much Love,

Brandee Leafty Photography

Click here to watch my video!

If you would like my help and/or would like to schedule a free consultation, contact me at 425.205.5206 or

Even if you don’t live in Washington, I am still available to help. Follow me on all Social Media:

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